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Triangular trade essay

Triangular trade essay

triangular trade essay

Jan 26,  · Bad Links. 1. This project is both very large and fairly old in Internet terms. At the time it was begun (), it was not clear that web sites [and the documents made available there] would often turn out to be transient The Atlantic slave trade, transatlantic slave trade, or Euro-American slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of various enslaved African people, mainly to the slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, and existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Some of those who were enslaved and transported in the The Cambridge Companion to Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. A series of essays focusing on specific issues in Locke’s Essay. Pyle, A.J. Locke. London: Polity. An excellent and brief introduction to Locke’s thought and historical context. A very good place to start for beginners

Locke, John | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Atlantic slave tradetransatlantic slave tradeor Euro-American slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of various enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passageand existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

This was viewed as crucial by those Western European states which, in the late 17th and 18th centuries, were vying with one another to create overseas empires. The Portuguese, triangular trade essay, in the 16th century, were the first to buy slaves from West African slavers and transport them across the Atlantic. Intriangular trade essay, they completed the first transatlantic slave voyage to Braziland other Europeans soon followed.

The first Africans kidnapped to the English colonies were classified as indentured servantswith legal standing similar to that of contract-based workers coming from Britain and Ireland. However, by the middle of the 17th century, slavery had hardened triangular trade essay a racial caste, with African slaves and their future offspring being legally the property of their owners, as children born to slave mothers were also slaves partus sequitur ventrem.

As property, the people were considered merchandise or units of labour, and were sold at markets with other goods and services. The major Atlantic slave-trading nations, ordered by trade volume, were the Portuguesethe Britishthe Spanishthe Frenchthe Dutchand the Danish.

Several had established outposts on the African coast where they purchased slaves from local African leaders. Slaves triangular trade essay imprisoned in a factory while awaiting shipment.

Current estimates are that about 12 million to Millions of people also died as a result of slave raids, wars, and during transport to the coast for sale to European slave traders, triangular trade essay. In the early 21st century, several governments issued apologies for the transatlantic slave trade.

The Atlantic slave trade developed after trade contacts were established between the " Old World " Afro-Eurasia and the " New World " the Americas. For centuries, tidal currents had made ocean travel triangular trade essay difficult and risky for the ships that were then available, triangular trade essay.

Thus, there had been very little, if any, maritime contact between the peoples living in these continents. Between andapproximatelysailors engaged in the slave trade visited West Africa. Historian John Thornton noted, "A number of technical and geographical factors combined to make Europeans the most likely people to explore the Atlantic and develop its commerce".

Additionally, there was the desire to create an alternative trade network to that controlled by the Muslim Ottoman Empire of the Middle Eastwhich was viewed as a commercial, political and religious threat to European Christendom.

In particular, European traders wanted to trade for goldwhich could be found in western Africa, and also to find a maritime route to "the Indies" Indiawhere they could trade for luxury goods such as spices without having to obtain these items from Middle Eastern Islamic traders. During the first wave of European colonizationtriangular trade essay, although many of the initial Atlantic naval explorations were led by the Iberian conquistadorstriangular trade essay, members of many European nationalities were involved, including triangular trade essay from SpainPortugalFranceGreat Britainthe Italian kingdomsand the Netherlands.

This diversity led Thornton to describe the initial "exploration of the Atlantic" as "a truly international exercise, even if many of the dramatic discoveries were made under the sponsorship of the Iberian monarchs".

That leadership later gave rise to the myth that "the Iberians were the sole leaders of the exploration". European overseas expansion led to the contact between the Old and New Worlds producing the Columbian Exchangenamed after the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus.

It involved the transfer of goods unique to one hemisphere to another. Europeans brought cattle, horses, and sheep to the New World, and from the New World Europeans received tobacco, potatoes, tomatoes, and maize.

Other items and commodities becoming important in global trade were the tobacco, sugarcane, and cotton crops of the Americas, along with the gold and silver brought from the American continent not only to Europe but elsewhere in the Old World. By the 15th century, slavery had existed in the Iberian Peninsula Portugal and Spain of Western Europe throughout recorded history.

The Roman Empire had established its system of slavery in ancient times. Since the Fall of the Western Roman Empirevarious systems of slavery continued in the successor Islamic and Christian kingdoms of the peninsula through the early modern era of the Atlantic slave trade. Slavery was prevalent in many parts of Africa [29] for many centuries before the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade. There is evidence that enslaved people from some parts of Africa were exported to states in Africa, Europe, and Asia prior to the European colonization of the Americas.

The Atlantic slave trade was not the only slave trade from Africa, although it was the largest in intensity in terms of number of humans over a unit of time, triangular trade essay. As Elikia M'bokolo wrote in Le Monde diplomatique :.

The African continent was bled of its human resources via all possible routes. Across the Saharathrough the Red Sea, from the Indian Ocean ports and across the Atlantic. At least ten centuries of slavery for the benefit of the Muslim countries from the ninth to the nineteenth Four million enslaved people exported via the Red Seaanother four million [31] through the Swahili ports of the Indian Oceanperhaps as many as nine million along the trans-Saharan caravan route, triangular trade essay, and eleven to twenty million depending on the author across the Atlantic Ocean.

However, estimates are imprecise, triangular trade essay, which can affect comparison between different slave trades, triangular trade essay. Two rough estimates by scholars of the numbers African slaves held over twelve centuries in the Muslim world are According to John Triangular trade essay. Thornton, Europeans usually bought enslaved people who were captured in endemic warfare between African states.

concur in stating not only that wars are entered into for the sole purpose of making slaves, but that they are fomented by Europeans, with a view to that object. Upon discovering new lands triangular trade essay their naval explorations, European colonisers soon began to migrate to and settle in lands outside triangular trade essay native continent. Off the coast of Africa, European migrants, under the directions of the Kingdom of Castiletriangular trade essay, invaded and colonised the Canary Islands during the 15th century, where they converted much of the land to triangular trade essay production of wine and sugar.

Along with this, they also captured native Canary Islanders, the Guanchestriangular trade essay, to use as slaves both on the Islands and across the Christian Mediterranean. As historian John Thornton remarked, "the actual motivation for European expansion and for navigational breakthroughs triangular trade essay little more than to exploit the opportunity for immediate profits made by raiding and the seizure or purchase of trade commodities", triangular trade essay.

Bythe Portuguese king had entered agreements with the rulers of several West African states that would allow trade between their respective peoples, enabling the Portuguese to "tap into" the "well-developed commercial economy in Africa without engaging in hostilities". For instance, Portuguese traders attempted to conquer the Bissagos Islands in Although Kongo later joined a coalition in to force the Portuguese out, Portugal had secured a foothold on the continent that it continued to occupy until the 20th century.

Inthe Kongolese king Afonso I seized a French vessel and its crew for illegally trading on his coast. Historians have widely debated the triangular trade essay of the relationship between these African kingdoms and the European traders. The Guyanese historian Walter Rodney has argued that it was an unequal relationship, triangular trade essay Africans being forced into a "colonial" trade with the more economically developed Europeans, exchanging raw materials and human resources i.

slaves for manufactured goods. He triangular trade essay that it was this economic trade agreement dating back to the 16th century that led to Africa being underdeveloped in his own time. Africans had great influence on the continent itself, but they had no direct influence on the engines behind the trade in the capital firms, the shipping and insurance companies of Europe and America, or the plantation systems in Americas, triangular trade essay. They did not wield any influence on the building manufacturing centers triangular trade essay the West.

A burial ground in CampecheMexicosuggests slaves had been brought there not long after Hernán Cortés completed the subjugation of Aztec and Mayan Mexico in the 16th century, triangular trade essay. The graveyard had been in use from approximately to the late 17th century, triangular trade essay.

The Atlantic slave trade is customarily divided into two eras, known as the First and Second Atlantic Systems. The First Atlantic system was the trade of enslaved Africans to, primarily, South American colonies of the Portuguese and Spanish empires. During the first Atlantic system, most of these traders were Portuguese, triangular trade essay, giving them a near-monopoly.

Initially the slaves were transported to Seville or Canary Islandsbut from slaves were transported directly from the island Sao Tomé across the Atlantic to Hispaniola. Spain had to rely on Portuguese ships and sailors to bring slaves across the Atlantic. Around the Portuguese began a regular slave trade to Brazil. From till Portugal was temporarily united with Spain in the Iberian Union.

Most Portuguese contractors who obtained the asiento between and were conversos. Until the middle of the 17th century Mexico was the largest single market for slaves in Spanish America. Cartagena, Veracruz, Buenos Aires, and Hispaniola received the majority of slave arrivals, mainly from Angola. After the Iberian union fell apart, Spain prohibited Portugal from directly engaging in the slave trade as a carrier.

According the Treaty of Munster the slave trade was opened for the traditional enemies of Spain, losing a large share of the trade to the Dutch, French and English. For years Spanish transatlantic traffic was operating at trivial levels, triangular trade essay. In many years, not a single Spanish slave voyage set sail from Africa. Unlike all of their imperial competitors, the Spanish almost never delivered slaves to foreign territories. By contrast, the British, and the Dutch before them, sold slaves everywhere in the Americas.

The Second Atlantic system was the trade of enslaved Africans by mostly English, French and Dutch traders and investors. The Spanish proposed to get the slaves from Cape Verdelocated closer to the demarcation line between the Spanish and Portuguese empire, but this was against the WIC-charter", triangular trade essay. By the s, the English were shipping the most slaves from West Africa. It is the hinge on which all the trade of this globe moves.

Meanwhile, it became a business for privately owned enterprisesreducing international complications. Following the British and United States' bans on the African slave trade init declined, but the period after still accounted for The first side of the triangle was the export of goods from Europe to Africa, triangular trade essay.

A number of African kings and merchants triangular trade essay part in the trading of enslaved people from to about For each captive, the African rulers would receive a variety of goods from Europe. These included guns, ammunition, alcohol, triangular trade essay, Indigo died Indian textiles, and other factory-made goods. The third and final part of the triangle was the triangular trade essay of goods to Europe from the Americas. The goods were the products of slave-labour plantations and included cottonsugartobaccomolasses and rum.

The Atlantic slave trade was the result of, among other things, labour shortageitself in turn created triangular trade essay the desire of European colonists to exploit New World land and resources for capital profits.

Native peoples were at first utilized as slave labour by Europeans until a large number died from overwork and Old World diseases. Many crops could not be sold for profit, or even grown, in Europe. Exporting crops and goods from the New World to Europe often proved to be more profitable than producing them on the European mainland. A vast amount of labour was needed to create and sustain plantations that required intensive labour to grow, harvest, triangular trade essay, and process prized tropical crops, triangular trade essay.

Western Africa part of which became known as "the Slave Coast "Angola and nearby Kingdoms and later Central Africabecame the source for enslaved people to meet the demand for labour. The basic reason for the constant shortage of labour was that, triangular trade essay, with much cheap land available and many landowners searching triangular trade essay workers, free European immigrants were able to become landowners themselves relatively quickly, thus increasing the need for workers.

Thomas Jefferson attributed the use of slave labour in part to the climate, and the triangular trade essay idle leisure afforded by slave labour: "For in a warm climate, no man will labour for triangular trade essay who can make another labour for him. This is so true, that of the proprietors of slaves a very small proportion indeed are ever seen to labour.

Conversely, many enslaved Africans were taken from regions of Africa which hosted particularly potent strains of triangular trade essay disease, so the Africans had already developed natural resistance to malaria.

The Slave Trade

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triangular trade essay

Aug 14,  · “There was direct trade among the colonies and between the colonies and Europe, but much of the Atlantic trade was triangular: enslaved people from Africa; sugar from the West Indies and Brazil Essay Fountain: A custom essay writing service that sells original assignment help services to students. We provide essay writing services, other custom assignment help services, and research materials for references purposes only. Students should ensure that they reference the materials obtained from our website appropriately The Cambridge Companion to Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. A series of essays focusing on specific issues in Locke’s Essay. Pyle, A.J. Locke. London: Polity. An excellent and brief introduction to Locke’s thought and historical context. A very good place to start for beginners

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