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Argumentative essay on sports injuries

Argumentative essay on sports injuries

argumentative essay on sports injuries

Sep 25,  · One side argues that, "The specific harm that occurred must have been reasonably foreseeable to the institution in order for a duty to arise" (). The institutions argue that the student athlete assumes the risk of injury because when playing sports the risk of injury Argumentative Essay: Are Youth Sports Too Serious? Words | 4 Pages. Every year, more than million children under the age 14 need treatment for sports injuries, with nearly half of all sports injuries for middle and high school students caused by overuse(Inetwork, ). This means that kids are being worked out to hard and play too much Injuries in sports are the most argumentative topic. Talking about its preventions or causes would be useful for your essay 41 Is it acceptable that depression and anxiety should be considered injuries if they even originate from the competitive nature of sports?

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As athletes have gotten larger, stronger and faster over the last few decades we have seen a far greater incidence of traumatic injuries in those athletes, argumentative essay on sports injuries. In this paper, argumentative essay on sports injuries, we look at the correlation between larger, stronger athletes and the increasing incidence of career and life threatening injuries that are occurring in sporting events.

Our belief is that as the athletes have gotten bigger and faster, both the number and severity of injuries has increased. Simply watching the nightly sports news will quickly make you aware of the number of injuries in professional sports and the number of contests that participants miss due to these injuries. These contests missed, be it games or tournaments in the case of golf or matches in a sport such as tennis can affect the player directly in terms of lost income in individual sports, but often have an adverse effect on the entire team in team sports, argumentative essay on sports injuries.

The total cost of these injuries runs into the millions of dollars when you consider treatment, rehabilitation, lost income, replacement players, and even lost revenue to teams and venues when star players are unable to participate. Most, argumentative essay on sports injuries, but not all, sports injuries are related to either direct physical contact think American football, hockey, even soccer and basketball or to the repeated, often violent movements made in the course of the sport think repeated jumping in basketball, a baseball pitcher throwing, the stress of a golf swing.

These movements put even more stress on the body as the athletes get larger and stronger. According to David Epstein, if you plot on a height versus mass graph one data point for each of two dozen sports in the first half of the 20th century there's some dispersal, but it's kind of grouped around that average body type.

And if you plot a data point for these same two dozen sports today, it looks much different. The athletes' bodies have gotten much more different from one another Epstein, That can cause for re-injury to occur and lead to more serious injuries. These findings could be significant in how to treat traumatic head injuries and how much violence should be allowed in sports. In other sports there are many know and practiced ways to prevent concussions too. Around 2 million concussions occur in argumentative essay on sports injuries each year.

Concussions are argumentative essay on sports injuries brain injuries that can leave long term effects. Every year thousands of youth and high school athletes receive sports-related concussions.

Concussion damage is invisible, which makes it one of the hardest injuries to diagnose. Of that, about half of them compete in multiple sports Denke 1. Concussions in high school sports however are the main area of concern. This essay will look at three broad sports categories and the merits of participating in sports that are part of each category, in special consideration of middle age participation.

Obviously, there are many other water sports to pursue but for this essay we will narrow it to these two sports. However, major injuries are not likely argumentative essay on sports injuries occur.

More serious injuries are more likely to occur, such as broken limbs or concussions. Major muscle damage is not likely to occur in the water and racquet categories, and all these sports are generally not too taxing on long t Pitching Injuries Injuries are an inevitable part of life and are caused for many different reasons. There are injuries in every realm from work to play to sports.

Shoulder injuries in general affect numerous players in both sports. My first act of research is going to be a questionnaire to be filled out by pitchers of both sports and of all ages.

The longer that an athlete waits, the longer the injury will take to heal SPINAL CORD INJURIES Spinal cord injuries can be very devastating. html Injuries to the spinal cord may be caused indirectly, as by a blow to the head or a fall; by traffic accidents, sports injuries, or violence.

Although spinal injuries are only a small fraction of all injuries; accidents cause an estimated 10, spinal cord injuries each year. What is a spinal injury? If injured in a sports activity, car accident, or by violence the affects can be devastating and life threatening.

We all know there are many sports out there, which kids love to play. As children grow and play competitive sports they will experience this risks of injuries but it's all in the building process of stronger bones, muscles and cardiovascular protection.

Other ways to minimize risk of argumentative essay on sports injuries parents should assess whether organized sports ar Injuries sustained by children while playing sports can have a significant and lasting impact on their development.

Sports injuries covered in the media are centered on injuries sustained by highly recognizable athletes. The location of the injury sustained by a child is relevant when evaluation risk factors associated with sports injuries.

Brain injuries are the most serious type of injury that can be sustained at any level of sports, from backyard hockey up to professional football. Though never being listed on any injury report with a head ailment, Seau played in a time where "succumbing to an injury " was considered weak. To understand why head injuries in the NFL is such a big deal, it is helpful to understand some of the effects that concussions and head injuries can have.

Some of the common causes of concussions are accidents involving vehicles, sports injuries, and even some genetic traits. In an article for Sports Illustrated, Romanowski explains how he does not know how many concussions he has sustained but knows that he has had suffered both dizziness Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search, argumentative essay on sports injuries.

Argumentative Essay - Sports Injuries Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Has Bibliography Save Essay View argumentative essay on sports injuries Saved Essays Downloads: 3 Grade level: Undergraduate Login or Join Now to rate the paper.

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Sport Injury Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

argumentative essay on sports injuries

Sep 25,  · One side argues that, "The specific harm that occurred must have been reasonably foreseeable to the institution in order for a duty to arise" (). The institutions argue that the student athlete assumes the risk of injury because when playing sports the risk of injury From the medical point of view, sports injuries is defined as a trauma or repetitive stress associated with the athletic activities. It can affect bones or soft tissues such as ligaments, muscles and tendons (Medical-Dictionary). Others may define it as an injury sustained during sporting. Words Argumentative Essay: Are Youth Sports Too Serious? Words | 4 Pages. Every year, more than million children under the age 14 need treatment for sports injuries, with nearly half of all sports injuries for middle and high school students caused by overuse(Inetwork, ). This means that kids are being worked out to hard and play too much

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