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Pay it forward thesis

Pay it forward thesis

pay it forward thesis

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Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. The Pay it Forward Speech: Challenging Students to Become Engaged in the Community. Tim McKenna-Buchanan. Stevie Munz. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with pay it forward thesis sources of information.

Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content.

This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Students will reflect on their experiences in small groups, and on paper, which will help to foster a sense of civic engagement. Trevor in Pay it Forward This assignment serves as a meaningful way to engage students who are perhaps less involved in giving back to their own community Galston, By engaging students in pay it forward experiences, pay it forward thesis assignment can help foster a sense of active citizenship.

Pay it forward thesis, an active citizen is also someone who makes a thoughtful decision to accommodate, transform, and engage conversation in hopes of change.

Students can serve as agents of their community and encourage positive social interactions Jacoby, At first glance, this assignment might seem like any other introductory speech. However, this is not your typical introductory speech done on the second day of class. From a purely pedagogical Timothy P. McKenna-Buchanan Ph. Stevie Munz M. Correspondence to: Timothy P. McKenna-Buchanan, Manchester University, Department of Communication Studies, E. College Ave. Email: tim.

buchanan gmail. McKenna-Buchanan and S. Munz perspective, when students complete this assignment, pay it forward thesis, they will have learned how to organize and outline a speech properly. This assignment is unique in that it encourages students to become engaged and active citizens on pay it forward thesis campus and community.

As suggested above, this assignment serves to meet the unit on organization and outlining skills, a part of most basic public speaking courses. This assignment directly addresses the skill of organization as students transform their own personal experiences into a logical and coherent speech. Through this assignment, students learn that audience members comprehend a speech more easily if it is organized Thompson, Outlining is often challenging for students to learn, especially if they are Downloaded by [Tim McKenna-Buchanan] at 01 May attempting to grapple with largely foreign topics.

This speech assignment gives students the flexibility to choose their three acts of kindness, which lends to their credibility and helps them learn to outline a speech in a coherent manner. Being that organization and outlining are critical skills that need to be developed in pay it forward thesis speech course, this assignment helps foster pay it forward thesis creative way to allow students to learn while paying it forward.

An act of kindness begins with doing a favor for another person without any expectation of being paid back. One would request that the recipient of a favor do the same for at least one other person and, ideally, for three other people. The unconditional favors can be large or small. It can just seem that way, depending who you do it for.

We encourage students to think beyond just donating money see Appraisal for examples of what our students have done in past courses.

After they have completed their pay it forward acts of kindness, they develop a full-sentence outline see Appendix. Then, they present a two to four minute speech telling the class about their experiences. Students should understand that they only have a week to perform their three acts of kindness. They then have a week to organize, outline, and practice their speech for their presentation. On the day this assignment is made, we encourage students to start brainstorming ideas for pay it forward acts they might like to do.

The beauty of this assignment is that acts of kindness happen when we least expect them, so not every act will be planned. Communication Teacher 3 Resources Needed The YouTube clip of the movie trailer is suggested in order to introduce the idea behind the assignment. We also have the movie on reserve at the library if students want to check it out; they are often interested in seeing the rest of the movie after watching the two minute trailer in class.

Assignment Timeline In many classes, pay it forward thesis, an introductory speech is completed during the first week of class. This assignment requires two weeks to complete. With that noted, we assign this on the second day of the class and give the students one week to perform their three acts of kindnesses and one week to organize their speech.

It is important to emphasize to Downloaded by [Tim McKenna-Buchanan] at 01 May the students that they must perform their chosen acts of kindness before giving their speech. During the two intervening weeks, we begin preparing for the speech.

We spend a class period learning about basic organization skills i. During the class period before the presentations, pay it forward thesis, the students do a peer review workshop in order to make sure they have all of the basic organization and outlining elements for this first speech. During the workshop, students are instructed to make sure their peers have the basic components of a speech i.

This process can be adapted to follow what you would typically teach for your organizing and outlining unit but with the addition of the pay it forward assignment. It is important to note that because this speech occurs in the first two weeks of the course, students are not required to cite sources but, rather, are encouraged to focus on their pay it forward experiences.

This is the one speech in our course when students will be able to use just their experiences without gathering sources. Because it is the first speech, it is important to foster a comfortable environment without the added pressure that oral citations can bring McCroskey, On the speech day, we typically do not have a speaking order, as it works well to have students volunteer to present.

After all of the presentations, we tell our students that they are not done with their pay it forward acts of kindness. Munz Evaluation This assignment gives students an opportunity to think outside of the box and have fun while developing a few of the fundamental skills of public speaking.

We grade pay it forward thesis focusing primarily on organization and outlining, with 25 points for organizing and outlining, five points for the introduction and conclusion, 10 points for the body of the speech, and 10 points for overall impression and delivery, giving a total of 50 points. The reflection paper is usually an additional 10 points. Debriefing Before the students turn in their reflection papers, we ask them to get in groups of three to four to pay it forward thesis organization, outlining, and active citizenship.

Below are some Downloaded by [Tim McKenna-Buchanan] at 01 May questions we might ask: 1. Please give me some of the reasons why you think it is important to organize your speech?

Audience, Credibility, Confidence, Fluidity, Analytical Skills 2. Please give me a few reasons why you believe it is important to outline your presentation? Organization, Transitions, Subordination, pay it forward thesis, Division, Parallelism 3, pay it forward thesis. What did you learn about yourself through this experience? How did it feel? What did you learn about your classmates through this experience? How did your acts of kindness reflect your role as an pay it forward thesis citizen in our campus community?

After the students have talked for about 10 minutes, we ask them to write down pay it forward thesis few important ideas from their group discussion and share those ideas with the class. Appraisal The overall impact of this assignment leaves a lasting impression on students.

It has ended up on a number of our end-of-year evaluations as being a speech assignment we should continue in future years. We recognize that students might not be as passionate about this assignment as we are, but we also believe in students and their potential to change the world. Limitations One limitation to this speech assignment is the fact that students do not always see their small acts of kindness as making a difference in their community.

As such, it is important to note acts of kindness that do not have a financial obligation. With that pay it forward thesis, not all of our students are as passionate about these random acts of kindness as we are.

It is important to help students brainstorm and provide ideas for potential acts of kindness, pay it forward thesis. Although we would love for all of our students to be passionate about small acts of kindness, pay it forward thesis, we encourage our students to remember that this assignment will teach them core organization and outlining skills that they will need to learn in order to be successful in the course.

Variations This speech assignment has been designed to be completed in three to five class Downloaded by [Tim McKenna-Buchanan] at 01 May periods. However, if pay it forward thesis is a concern, instructors could have students perform acts of kindness and connect it to a lesson on communication apprehension or delivery instead of organization and outlining. Beyond that, we have assigned the pay it forward speech assignment as a semester-long assignment. In this way, it acts more as a culmination speech focused on mastering their speech skills rather than an introductory speech focusing on organization and outlining.

The speech is still assigned on the second day of class. However, students have the entire term to complete the assignment and then present it on the final day of class, pay it forward thesis. Additionally, we believe this assignment could be adapted to highlight the transactional model of communication. With that in mind, we could also see this incorporated into a small group communication course as a group assignment or an interpersonal commun- ication course focusing on acts of kindness in relationships.

Overall, we believe there are a number of different ways in which this assignment could be adapted moving beyond organization and outlining to make it meaningful in a wide array of courses.

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pay it forward thesis

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