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Essay on henry ford

Essay on henry ford

essay on henry ford

Apr 23,  · A Ford assembly line with a worker attaching a gas tank, c. #5 His $5 day wage is considered a defining moment for American workers. On January 5, , Henry Ford introduced the $5 day wage to his employees, doubling their was at a time when most workers earned $11 per week.A Cleveland editorial covered the announcement to be “shot like a blinding rocket through the Feb 04,  · Henry Ford and ‘The International Jew’ Chapter 1: Mass-Producing Hate. Henry Ford was peaking as a global celebrity at the conclusion of World War I, having introduced the $5 workday, assembly line and Model T ‒ revolutionary changes that transformed the way people lived. Reporters staked out the gates of his Fair Lane mansion Henry Ford’s vision and perseverance was the reason Ford Motor Company was successful but that success would be hard to emulate in the current poor economic conditions and ever-changing market trends we are faced with today. There are, however, very few people like Henry Ford

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As a result, rival companies seized on changing market trends, while Ford stayed true to his vision and strategy. There are, however, very few people like Henry Ford. We will also look at what it takes to be an effective leader, if Henry Ford can be considered an effective leader and if his leadership qualities would produce the same level of success in today business environment? In many articles and reports, Ford gets referred to as an innovator. He was hugely successful in manufacturing automobiles and revolutionised the assembly line creating 8-hour shifts, ensuring his factories were operational 24 hours a day.

He was publically acclaimed for paying his workers above average pay and after two failed businesses launched the hugely successful Ford Motor Company. Someone that is able to influence others to believe and follow a specific path.

A essay on henry ford requires self-belief, creativity, drive, a persuasive manner and followers. Kotter helps with this definition by suggesting that a leader is a person with a vision, who aligns people to that vision through effective communication. They build a coalition with people who can aid the development of their vision. Kotter looked at the role of a leader and how it differed from that of a manager. The table below looks at differences in functions between leadership and management.

Table 1. Reporting on delivery against budget, making the relevant changes to ensure success. Outcomes Effective and successful change. Provides a process of consistency and understanding. This kind of comparison not only allows us to see how leadership is essay on henry ford in an organisation but how leadership is different to management.

The two roles are very different, essay on henry ford, but both work towards the same organisational goals. Where leadership will deal with change, whether that is as a result of competition or economic issues, like deregulation or change in consumer trends; management will deal with operational processes to reduce confusion and monitor development.

In contrast to this, Mintzberg believed that management and leadership roles overlap. Leadership is a function within a management role and a manager has to possess some leadership qualities in order to be effective.

the leader looks at what needs to be done and implements a strategy, essay on henry ford, and then a manager deals with the planning and operational procedures to fulfill it. That being said, it could be the case that an individual in a management position is already a leader. To be a leader all you need is followers, therefore, leaders could be found at any level in an organisation see Goffee and Jones, After identifying the functions of a leader the question has essay on henry ford be asked, is there a specific set of traits that define a leader?

Essay on henry ford believed the qualities of a successful leader were generally high intelligence, high level of knowledge in their field, excellent with people, ability to inspire, excellent communication, and self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses.

The traits discovered are as followed; Table 1, essay on henry ford. After identifying various character traits of a leader we should look at how they reflect on our chosen leader, essay on henry ford, Henry Ford, as well as looking at his capabilities as an effective leader. His research suggested that in order to be an effective leader you needed more than a vision, essay on henry ford, followers, high intelligence and technical skill.

All great leaders needed a high-level of what is referred to as emotional intelligence. Goleman describes emotional intelligence as the way that great leaders maximise their performance, and the performance of the people that follow them. Emotional intelligence has five components: 1 Self-awareness — a essay on henry ford that allows a leader to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, essay on henry ford to know what drives and motivates them, essay on henry ford.

to succeed for the sake of achievement, as opposed to monetary reward or status. Having a persuasive manner to build relationships essay on henry ford order to get people working in the direction you and the organisation requires. The table below 1, essay on henry ford. Gunderson, Self-awareness Completion of task and jobs Right from an early age Ford developed his mechanical talent for building and engineering things. He was able to recruit, manage and deliver each product every time.

Even when his own associates and directors thought he was making the wrong decision he asked, Was it right for the enterprise? Ford saw an opportunity and made a decision to do it see Drucker, Casey, Tuczek, Braden, Self-regulation Does not let stress effect their role Ford had an extremely strict management style but always presented himself professionally.

The success that this brought meant that Ford was able to attract investment for a third time. Ford Motor Company was born in Casey, Tuczek, Braden, Motivation Problem-solving Ford wanted to keep his factory open 24 hours a day so he introduced three, 8-hour shift patterns.

Exploiting every opportunity to increase organisational performance. Gunderson, Social Skill Able to influence others From a very young age he was able to recruit others to be involved his projects.

In the early days to help him build waterwheels and simple steam engines and later in his career, investors. This developed through his career, as three times he was able to secure investment. Casey, Tuczek, Braden, Leadership With You. com Social Skill Manage people to move in direction desired Through his above average pay for workers, Ford found it very easy to recruit top talent.

His believed that paying them well and reducing shifts to 8-hours could keep his factories working hours, which meant his company could produce more cars, while the workforce were highly committed working in the direction Ford required.

Gunderson, This information shows that Ford has many qualities linked to components of emotional intelligence, essay on henry ford, allowing us to term Ford a capable leader. However, we should look at his weaknesses as well. Casey, Tuczek, Braden, Self-awareness Responsible for decision-making Around Ford failed to change his strategy and adapt to new behaviours and values being shown by his customers.

He did not seize on the opportunity to mobilise his organisation and thrive on potential new business see Heifetz and Laurie, Although this had a negative impact on the business it could be seen as positive essay on henry ford of leadership. Casey, Tuczek, Braden, Gunderson, Self-regulation Extremely tolerant Ford was not always tolerant of failure.

He would often punish employees for not keeping within his very tight regime for conduct, even in their social time. Whitney, Social Skill Able to influence others Ford had a department that monitored employees, even in their social activities.

He knew how vital his employees were and stamped down on hard on them if they stepped out of line. Empathy is seen as a key factor in leadership, especially in understanding the best method in which to manage relationships between your customers, clients, and employees. Neither is just about giving into what they want, it can also be about giving them what they need see, Goffee and Jones, From our research we cannot see any signs of Empathy within Ford.

Ford wanted his followers to do exactly what he wanted them to do and for that he would reward them well, financially. Ford had a very dictatorial-style of management and nothing was going to stop him delivering his vision Gunderson, In table 1. He clearly learned from mistakes in his early career and improved his self-awareness. Goleman did say essay on henry ford emotional intelligence was something that could be learnt and improved.

Ford clearly, as we can see in table 1, essay on henry ford. Rosener p. Another way a leader can drive performance is by showing their passion to drive their vision in order for it to drive their followers Adair,essay on henry ford, and by engaging with their people, to unlock their talent and inspire trust and confidence. We are getting to understand the character traits and style of Ford but we still need to find out whether he was an effective leader.

A great leader treats change as an opportunity focusing on those opportunities to produce results, essay on henry ford. It is interesting that Drucker should essay on henry ford managing change in effective leadership.

Therefore, to essay on henry ford an effective leader do you need to have more than just a vision and followers? A strong leader would look to create an adaptable and engaging environment and look to increase innovation.

With the poor economic environment we have at the moment, Professor Hamel went essay on henry ford to suggest that long-term strategy was about implementing short-term goals. Therefore, effective leadership was about identifying the changes the business required and putting small steps in place to improve productivity, essay on henry ford.

These times require innovation, a new way of thinking, even if that meant that some of the small steps failed. This kind of adaptive change was something Heifetz and Laurie discovered in their research, which presented strong evidence that effective leaders dealt with adaptive change very well.

An example could be to adapt behaviours within the workforce to a new direction the business was taking, whether that is focusing on new business areas or growth in existing ones. We can see that Ford did not do this and therefore, gives us further understanding of the type of leader he was.

We identified that Ford had a vision and he was able to attract essay on henry ford who understood and supported his essay on henry ford. He succeeded.

He showed his employees that if they work hard for him, he would reward them with high earnings and shorter hours. For that they essay on henry ford loyal and committed and as result his factories were able to run longer by having three, eight hour shifts. Ford may have fulfilled his vision, yet he continued to expand it.

By buying the factory overseas he made sure he was in complete control of the manufacturing of his cars and by buying 7, dealers nationwide gave the company a direct network to sell his cars. You just need to be the best. Ford did not create the automobile but he did revolutionise the way in which it was built.

We know what it is to be a capable leader. A capable leader is intelligent and has good technical ability, and through Cannell and Stogdill ; we can see the traits of a leader and agree that Ford has many of them.

A factor that became apparent when he decided not to build more expensive, essay on henry ford, better quality cars when the market, and fellow Directors, were calling for this. He learned from the failures of his first two companies and used that experience and increased knowledge to source investment for a third time. He did many things right in taking Ford Motor Company to number 1 in the US motor car sector, but when competition was growing and changes were required to adapt to changing trends in the market, did Ford in this instance do what.

was right? Ford ignored the change in market trends, he ignored his fellow directors and associates and his business suffered because of it. Leaders develop young talent and are able to build commitment and loyalty while valuing knowledge as a commodity. Allowing their followers to bring innovation and creativeness to work. Henry Ford was an effective leader for his time; he believed in his vision and stuck to it.

He said that you're not Henry Ford, you are Henry Ford II - Ford v Ferrari

, time: 2:13

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essay on henry ford

Fordism is a manufacturing technology that serves as the basis of modern economic and social systems in industrialized, standardized mass production and mass concept is named for Henry is used in social, economic, and management theory about production, working conditions, consumption, and related phenomena, especially regarding the 20th century Feb 04,  · Henry Ford and ‘The International Jew’ Chapter 1: Mass-Producing Hate. Henry Ford was peaking as a global celebrity at the conclusion of World War I, having introduced the $5 workday, assembly line and Model T ‒ revolutionary changes that transformed the way people lived. Reporters staked out the gates of his Fair Lane mansion We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing service each and every time you place an order. We write essays, research papers, term papers, course works, reviews, theses and more, so our primary mission is to help you succeed academically

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