Bergen Academy Entrance Essay. Essay 1. University entrance requirements are much more lenient than they used to be – some university courses are prepared to accept students without any A-levels. Last twenty years was a time of ongoing changes in the higher educational institution. One of the most controversial and criticized idea was the withdrawal of the entrance exam at all universities The Bergen Academies (BCA, BCTS) entrance exam is composed of 40 mathematics questions (1 hour) and a essay writing test (45 minutes).. The following sample test and practice problem sets were downloaded from the Bergen County Academies admissions website. These sample tests are publicly available and may be used for you to get a rough idea of Bergen Academy Applicant's Essay By Tim Chou I have always been interested in learning so I wanted to join Bergen County Academy. I find learning both enjoyable and important. I see opportunities at Bergen County Academy that are not possible anywhere else. At Bergen County Academy, I would be able to encounter new and promising students
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